Collect and Pay schools fees virtually with ClassPay
Making monthly tuition fee payment no longer requires standing in line for hours under the hot sun. Using ClassPay, you can pay your tuition fees easily via bKash,T-Cash, Rocket, MasterCard, VISA or American Express .
The installation process is swift and efficient. Students, Teachers and Administration will create their own respective account to access different parts of the system.Depending on the type of account they have, their access and features will vary. Detailed training for users and support will be provided during and after the installation process .
Integrates existing database that schools or regulators may already have which makes life easier. Integration of data means combining different data sets such that they are compatible with one another in format and meaning to enable comparison and co-analysis .
ClassTune deploys a support personnel to assist teachers or authorities to upload data or teachers can upload from PC or using mobile APP. Data from machines such as attendance devices are regularly synced .
Send us your email address so that we can contact & discuss about your needs .